2020 Images

There were definitely less photo adventures this year than usual, but that just meant that the ones I did have were that much more special. This was a very interesting year to say the least, and there were definitely hard times, but it wasn’t all bad. The increased together time with my quickly growing kids was cherished. We spent more time wandering in the woods and playing games. They can both now legitimately beat me in bags and bocce- at least some of the time. We are a family of gamers and I love to see their competitive spirit and technical skill sets blossoming.

Camping, road trips, and going on adventures is so important to my family. If you ask my 6 year old son what his favorite things is, he will either say Star Wars or going on trips in the adventure van (I’m equally excited about both). We got to spend some time camping together on the Niobrara River with some good family friends, as well as in the Black Hills. I witnessed the glory of the autumnal transformation in the high country of Colorado and experienced the winter solitude of the Badlands with my father. My mother passed away about a month ago which was so devastating to our family, so this trip with my father to South Dakota was beyond special for the two of us. It provided us with peace and solace during a difficult time, but also provided such a beautiful backdrop for us to remember her life with grace and thankfulness. The outpouring of love and kinship from friends and family, near and far, has been overwhelming and so appreciated. She was a very powerful and loving woman that taught me so much about love, devotion, family, life, and being a good parent. She told me a few months ago how proud she was of my children and how much she appreciated the way we were instilling a love of adventure in them. Those words meant so much to me. She was always a force of positivity and kindness. And I will do my best to carry those powerful traits into not only the next year, but the rest of my life.

2020 has been full of heartache, stress, loss, and tension, but it has also been full of growth, creativity, and healing. As I sift through my favorite images that I created in 2020, I am reminded of all of the love and beauty I have in my life and I am thankful for all of you that make my world so wonderful. I am hopeful and optimistic for 2020 and all of the grand adventures it will bring. 
